Believe, Receive, Concede: Acts 2: 36-43

Sermon Resources

Sermon Summary

Title: Riding the Bike of Faith: Believe, Receive, and Concede Daily

This sermon explores the continuous nature of Christian faith, comparing it to learning to ride a bike every day. The pastor emphasizes that both new believers and long-time Christians need to constantly renew their relationship with God through believing the Gospel, receiving the Holy Spirit, and conceding to follow Jesus daily. The sermon ties this concept to the practice of communion as a means of spiritual renewal and recommitment.

Key Points:

- Baptism happens once, but communion serves as a recurring renewal of faith
- Christians need to approach God like small children, dependent on Him daily
- The process of believe, receive, and concede applies to both new and mature Christians
- Communion is a serious means of grace, comparable to baptism in importance
- The stained-glass windows in the church represent the four Gospels and heavenly worship

5-Day Personal Devotional

Day 1:
Believing in God's Love Reading: John 3:16-21 Devotional: God's love for us is foundational to our faith. Just as the pastor described learning to ride a bike with his father's support, our heavenly Father supports us through life's journey. Reflect on how God has shown His love in your life, even in moments when you felt undeserving. How can you open your heart to more fully receive and believe in God's unconditional love today?

Day 2:
Receiving the Holy Spirit Reading: Acts 2:37-41 Devotional: The gift of the Holy Spirit is a transformative experience, marking our rebirth in Christ. Like the 3,000 who were baptized at Pentecost, we too are called to receive this gift daily. Consider areas in your life where you need the Holy Spirit's guidance and power. How can you be more receptive to the Spirit's presence and leading in your daily walk?

Day 3:
Conceding to Follow Jesus Daily Reading: Luke 9:23-26 Devotional: Following Jesus is a daily commitment, much like learning to ride a bike anew each day. It requires us to "concede" or surrender our will to His. Reflect on the challenges you face in following Jesus consistently. What areas of your life are you holding back from God's control? How can you take a step today to more fully surrender to His leadership?

Day 4:
Renewed Through Communion Reading: 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 Devotional: The pastor emphasized how communion serves as a renewal of our baptismal commitment. It's a time to remember Christ's sacrifice and recommit ourselves to Him. As you meditate on the meaning of communion, consider how this practice can deepen your relationship with God. How can you approach your next communion experience with a heart more open to God's renewing work?

Day 5:
Living as God's Child Reading: Romans 8:14-17 Devotional: The sermon highlighted our perpetual state as God's children, always in need of His guidance and care. Embrace this childlike dependence on God today. Reflect on areas where you've tried to "grow up" and handle things on your own. How can you cultivate a more trusting, childlike faith in your relationship with God? Remember, it's okay to cry out "Abba, Father" and lean on His strength.

Small Group Guide

Key Takeaways:

  1. Our relationship with God is always like that of a small child, needing constant guidance and support.
  2. The Christian journey involves daily "relearning how to ride the bike" of faith.
  3. There are three steps in our daily walk with God: believe, receive, and concede.
  4. Communion serves as a regular reminder of our need for renewal and recommitment to Christ.

Small Group Questions:

The pastor used the analogy of learning to ride a bike. How does this relate to your own spiritual journey? Can you share an experience where you felt like you were "relearning" to trust God?

The sermon mentioned "fanciful joy" or a "cocoon of grace" that can make us feel falsely secure. Have you ever experienced this in your spiritual life? How did you recognize and address it?

Discuss the concept of "convicting grace." How have you experienced this in your life, either as a non-believer or as a Christian?

The pastor emphasized our constant need for God, like small children needing parents. How does this perspective challenge or affirm your view of your relationship with God?

How does the explanation of the four gospel symbols in the stained glass windows enhance your understanding of Jesus' multifaceted nature and mission?

Practical Applications:

Daily Dependence: 
This week, consciously approach each day as if you're "relearning to ride the bike" with God. Journal about areas where you need His guidance and support.

Take time to examine your life for any "blind spots" or areas of complacency. Ask God to reveal areas where you need renewal or growth.

Communion Reflection: 
Before the next communion service, spend time in prayer and self-examination. Approach the table with a renewed sense of its significance for spiritual renewal.

Gospel Study: 
Read through one of the four gospels this week, keeping in mind the unique perspective it offers (as symbolized in the stained glass windows). Reflect on how it deepens your understanding of Jesus.

Childlike Faith: 
Practice approaching God with the trust and dependence of a small child. When facing challenges, visualize God as a parent holding the back of your "spiritual bicycle."

Closing Prayer: 
Lord, help us to daily depend on You, recognizing our constant need for Your guidance and grace. May we approach You with childlike faith, trusting in Your love and provision. Renew us through Your Spirit, and help us to continually believe, receive, and concede to Your will in our lives. Amen.